Luma x20 NVR web interface

Most common functions can be handled via OvrC. However, if you need to access the x20 NVR’s web interface, go to its Devices page in OvrC, open the extended menu at right, and select the Web Connect option. If you are on the same local network as the NVR, you can click the NVR's IP address instead.

When the new page opens, click the Connect icon. Log in as SupportAdmin using the password provided under NVR Credentials in OvrC's Configure Tab.

The interface opens to the live display.

Main controls

The top bar of the interface window appears on all pages.

At left, beneath the logo, are the various tabs of the web interface.

At the top right, if the system detects you need it, is a hotlink to download a plugin for your browser. After that, the NVR shows the name of the account you are using, a hotlink to log out, and a hotlink to change the account's password.

Below that, the NVR displays the latest OvrC status.