Smart Skills: Monitoring Customers' Networks using Notifications in OvrC

Video transcript:

Your customer just finished paying you the big bucks to install a fast reliable network for them.

So, what is going to happen if something goes wrong on the network, and you cannot quickly solve the problem for them? It might look a little something like this.

You need to know ASAP if there is an issue with the network, and you need and easy way to investigate the problem. You need the enhanced notification options of OvrC.

To monitor your customers networks using notifications in OvrC Follow these steps.

First, Configure Global Notification Settings.

Second, Enable notifications for devices.

Third, Add a job code to the customer’s account.

Fourth, Access and manage notifications.

Step one, Configure Global Notification Settings

Start by logging into your OvrC account.

Click User in the main menu.

The Global Notification Settings allow you to configure how you will receive OvrC notifications, and which events you will receive them for.

Toggle Enable Notifications on.

This allows notifications to be displayed in the notifications panel.

To receive notifications in the OvrC app, via email, or both. For this example, toggle both the email and OvrC App options to on.

Choose which events you want to receive notifications for. You can receive notifications for when devices reconnect, disconnect or when they have a limited connection.

A limited connection means that the device is communicating with the OvrC Pro device but is not communicating with the OvrC servers.

Toggle the appropriate Event options on then click SAVE.

Step 2, enable notifications for devices.

In the customer list, click a customer to configure device notifications.

Click the DEVICES tab.

OvrC enabled devices have notifications turned on by default, but notifications for other devices are enabled manually.

To enable notifications for a device, click the notify icon.

To disable notifications for a device that does not need to be monitored, click the notify icon and then click CONFIRM to disable notifications.

Step 3, add a job code to the customer.

Use job codes to help you search for specific groups of customers and easily see the notifications that pertain to that group.

For Example, if some of your customers pay for a special service plan, you want to quickly address any notifications for those customers.

From the customer DASHBOARD, click Edit from the menu.

In the Locations section, type VIP in the JOB CODE box and then click SAVE.

Step 4, Access and manage notifications.

You are now set up to receive notifications in your email, OvrC app or you can go to the notifications panel in OvrC.

In the email and app notifications you show you important information including the time of the event . . .

Customer job code . . .

Which device was affected and what type of event occurred . .

the unique reference Id that was generated for this event . . .

and a list of other devices in the network have recently had event notifications.

Click the Go To Location button to jump straight to that customer site in OvrC so you can begin troubleshooting the issue.

To use the notification panel to manage notifications, return click the notifications menu in a web browser or the OvrC app.

Here you can sort the notifications by customer name, location, device name, timestamp of the event or job code.

You can also use the search feature to filter notifications by customer name . . .

location . . .

device name . . .

job code . . .

or reference ID.

Once you have found the notification you are looking for you can acknowledge it by selecting the Acknowledge check box. This will let you or others know that the event has been or is being investigated.

You can also click, go to device to jump to that devices details in OvrC.

Now you can easily stay on top of your customers network and turn this...into this.