Smart Skills: Fix Missing Locations in OvrC's Map

Video Transcript:

OvrC has a wonderful map tool that displays all your customer Locations--or at least it SHOULD.

The map page displays how many locations you have mapped next to the total number of locations you have created. If you are missing some locations, how do you get them back?

If you have this icon in your menu, then it means you have unverified addresses. Adding them is easy with these steps.

1) Check the locations.

2) Enter each address slowly.

3) Cross-check with Google Maps, if necessary.

Step 1: Check the locations.

Log in to your OvrC account.

Each time you enter an address, OvrC cross-checks it with Google Maps for verification.

This unverified addresses icon appears when Google has not been able to verify each address. Click the icon.

This page shows every blank or unverified address in your system. Gather whatever information you have available on these locations.

Step 2: Enter each address slowly.

For each location, delete any text in its address box. Type the correct address in slowly. OvrC checks with Google, providing prompts for the proper address, filling in with suggested addresses close to your location.

Once you see the correct address, click it to fill in the [Address] box.

Repeat this step for each location.

Click [Save All].

Step 3: Cross-check with Google Maps, if necessary.

If you see the text, "We could not find this address," that means your address does not appear to exist in the Google Maps database. Sometimes new construction and road changes haven't yet made it into Google. We suggest cross-checking with to see if this is the case. In such cases, they'll catch up, given enough time.

As you can see, it's easy to add and verify addresses for each location in your system.

This helps you keep tabs on every site that you manage.