Smart Skills: Documenting Location and Device Notes Using OvrC

Video Transcript:

Want a way to make your life easier? Imagine being able to record location and device notes straight within OvrC so that you could easily access the information. Plus, anybody from your dealership with project permissions could also benefit from these notes. Too good to be true?

To document location and device notes in OvrC, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Record Location Notes

  • Step 2: Add Device Notes

Step 1: Record Location Notes.

After logging into OvrC, click on any customer from the list or map view. Select the Notes tab. Here you can list any notes pertinent to the location or things you are doing across the whole customer project. Also, you can record general site notes. For example, this might be a great place to warn your techs that the customer works the night shift, and the tech should not walk in a bedroom during the day. Or maybe the customer has a 300-pound German Shepard.

Step 2: Add Device Notes.

You can even document device-specific notes to aid you and your colleagues with the project. Select any customer from the list or map view. Select the Devices tab. Click on any device in the list and then click on the Notes tab. Here you can list any notes that are specific to this device. It might be a password or a specific configuration. It could also be the history or maintenance performed on the device.

Rest assured that your notes on the location as well as on the specific devices save time and make life a whole lot easier. Technician to technician transfer leveled up! Too good to be true? Nah, not at all!